Wake Drive Food Pantry
Take what you need. Give what you can.
What is it?
The Wake Drive Food Pantry is our pilot community based pantry project. This project is hosted in the garage of Directors Chris and Cally Rogers at their home in Richardson, TX. Every 2nd and 4th Sunday, they open their garage up and set up tables, laying out fresh produce and arranging clothes, toys, and books. From noon till 6PM, anyone who needs food or other items is welcome to 'Shop for Free'.
The donations generally originate from the community itself, though the Rogers Family and other volunteers top it all off with fresh produce and other sundry items to ensure that there is plenty to go around.
Read more after the donor box
How can I get some food?
It's easy! Just come check out the pantry and say hello! We are open every 2nd and 4th Sunday from Noon till 6PM. We do not require any proof of financial need or proof of residence. Instead we rely on the honor system and that works very well for us. Also can do ad-hoc appointments in case of emergencies! Just reach out to us and let us know.
How can I donate and what kind of donations do you take?
Since the pantry is hosted out of the home of our directors, there is almost always someone available. So just show up any time between 10am and 7pm and drop off your donations.
NOTE: if there are any perishables in your donation that must be frozen or refrigerated, please let us know so that we can take care of that immediately.
We take all manner of food, clothing, toys, books, and household items. The general standard we ask everyone to follow is, "would you want this if someone were giving it to you?"

Every 2nd and 4th Sunday
Noon till 6PM
115 Wake Dr
Richardson, TX 75081